Sakurai, I am disappoint.

Mushroom Kingdom I. Super Mario Bros.-inspired.

Mushroom Kingdom II. Super Mario Bros. 2-/USA-inspired.

But… what about Super Mario Bros. 3?


…Yeah. Super Mario Bros. 3. Doesn’t have enough of the -bit to it, but if MKIII floats your boat, that works all the same.

4 Responses to Sakurai, I am disappoint.

  1. S. says:

    Pardon for not sticking this on either of the actual MKs, shadowsquid86. X:

  2. Gardevi says:

    Nice! Can’t wait to see people’s reactions to this. Just needs some music (where’s the music, by the way?)

  3. T-800 says:

    DL link?

  4. DNS says:

    click “Released Content” on the right -> stages ->mushroom kingdom III.rar (or similar)

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